Going Through the Motions

Seven years ago I joined our church. I attend Sunday school and worship service. I go to Bible Study Fellowship. I’ve treated my faith as a college course, trying to gain as much knowledge as I can.

I feel like I’ve been going through the motions. I’ve been attending but not immersing. I learn the scripture. I do the BSF lesson questions (mostly). I learn a lot, but do I internalize it? Do I apply it daily? Do I apply it at all?

My boys do the same things I do, albeit on a much smaller scale. They attend Sunday school and BSF. But if we aren’t talking to them about what they learned, how will they know how to apply it to their lives? The little handouts we get about what to talk to them about during the week? Yeah, maybe I shouldn’t throw those away.

This year I want to immerse myself. This year I want to apply what I learn to my daily life. This year I’m going to talk to the boys about what they learned in Sunday school and BSF. This year I will sing in the praise band. This year I will strive to be a Christian.

Some things that I think will help:

  • Pray daily
  • Do my BSF lesson questions daily instead of the night before class.
  • Step out of my comfort zone
  • Volunteer in the community
  • Use my skills as a writer to help our church

These things can be modified to fit your life. Maybe you don’t go to BSF (or know what it is) but you can do a home bible study. Maybe your skills aren’t in writing but teaching or singing. You can use any of your skills to benefit your church. If you feel like you’re just going through the motions, try some of these tips.


Author: jen.mearns