
On Sunday, April 15th an EF-2 tornado tore through Greensboro, causing much destruction and one death. Three elementary schools were damaged enough that the students and staff have to be relocated for the remainder of the school year. Our local elementary school is absorbing over 250 students from a local Montessori school.

After learning of the location of the tornado, I wondered about my brother-in-law whose house is only about 4-5 miles outside of the tornado’s path of destruction. I texted him the next day and when I hadn’t heard back in a few hours, since I was out and about, I drove past his house with my boys.

Thankfully, his house was fine and coincidentally, he texted me back the instant I turned on his road. The next morning, however, as the boys and I were on the way to preschool, Teddy said, “I hope a big tree didn’t broke Uncle Rich’s house.” I replied, “No, we went by yesterday and he was fine!” Then he asked who had fixed all of these trees that we were currently passing and I had to explain that we were blessed that the tornado didn’t come by our house.
I saw an opportunity and I took it. I would consider myself a lifelong Christian, but am new to church. When I say new, I mean I went a few times with friends and my mom when I was really young and joined my church in 2011.

“You know, Teddy, when you’re worried or scared about something, you can pray to God. You don’t have to only say prayers or blessings at dinner and bedtime.” Driving along the winding road toward the school, I wondered if I should add anymore or leave it. Teddy was quiet, taking it in. I didn’t say anything else.

It’s hard for me to see these teachable moments when we’re in the middle of our days, busy and tired. In the van it’s nice to be able to talk to Teddy (and Oliver and Jack, but they don’t say as much as Chatterbox Ted). He’s so sweet and sensitive and I know that’s where most of his tears come from. Some come from tantrums and not getting his way but I think he’s a very sensitive little guy.

If you want to help, our church’s soccer program is collecting supplies:
“During this Saturday’s Games we will be collecting supplies to aid in the Tornado Relief Clean-up.

If you would like to participate, we are asking for people to bring Gatorade, Water, and Work Gloves. We will be taking any items that are collected to the

Salvation Army on Saturday Afternoon.

In addition to Water, Gatorade, and Work Gloves, we are also collecting School Supplies for Alamance Elementary who will be receiving an additional 250 Students starting Monday, April 23rd. If you would like to donate School Supplies we are asking for:

Clorox Wipes
Colored Pencils
We will have people available at the Registration Table/Concessions Table on Saturday morning to accept your donations!
The SESO Team”


Author: jen.mearns