Ode to a North Carolina Spring

Oh, North Carolina, thee of bipolar weather. Nine days ago we saw snow and sleet, a last, late winter show of the season! As one who loves snow and winter, I rejoiced! Then four days later we saw 65 degrees, sun and gentle breezes. We went outside! We enjoyed the coming of spring. Robins were spotted, daffodils were thrusting their eager heads toward the sun. Spring is here!

“Just joking!” says North Carolina.

“You thought I was through?

I have more snow,

Coming for you!

Cancel school

and church activities

You’ll have no time

for your proclivities.

Winter is back

For one last showing

Haha can you believe

it is snowing?”

And North Carolinians

drove into work

always aware that

trouble might lurk

on roads that are slippy

with snow and ice

they drive 5mph

isn’t that nice?

Daffodils curl

in on themselves

Hiding from cold

And little snow elves

Robins huddle in

nests not yet made

Fluffing their feathers

until winter is bade

One week from today

we see in the forecast

it will be 67

degrees at long last!

Go home North Carolina. You’re drunk.


Author: jen.mearns