Orangetheory: 60 Day Review

As a semi-wise man once said to me, “I drank the Koolaid.” I am in love with Orangetheory. It’s hard; it’s invigorating; it’s worth it. Maybe not worth all that cash monthly, but it’s worth the effort of making it to class and it’s worth the effort of working hard during class.

I did my first benchmark workout–a 2,000 meter row, completed by me in 9 minutes 25 seconds. Sure, a lot of people were faster than me; a lot of people were slower also. I was proud of my time and I look forward to beating it in the future!

I used to curl only 8 or 10 pounds. I’m up to 15 pounds now. I can bench the Olympic bar which is 45 pounds–easily, which makes me think I can add weight, but wanted to wait for Ed to help me. I probably shouldn’t try to max out when I’m alone! I’ve upped my paces–base, push and all out.

I’ve lost 10 pounds in two months–months that included two major holidays, one of which being Christmas and in my mind, Christmas “treats” last the entire month of December.

I’ve also lost 8 inches total between hips, waist and bust. I could have done more measurements, but figured those were the top three.

Overall, I’m very happy with my investment in Orangetheory. I figure that if I don’t shell out for getting healthy now, I’ll be paying for it later–in the form of diabetes or heart disease.

I signed up for the Transformation Challenge at OT. In three months, I’ll share my results from that!

Author: jen.mearns