3 Things You Must Do When Trying to Conceive: Making Life Easier With a Little Planning

3 things you must do when trying to conceive: making life easier with a little planning


The Honest Company

The other day I was thinking that, despite the fact that I still want a girl, it simplifies things that I have all boys. They like the same toys. They wear the same clothes. They are pretty much the same level of insane so I know what to expect. What other things should we plan for that would make life easier?

Have Children of Only the Same Sex

I know I mentioned this one but it bears mentioning again. I can’t stress enough the savings involved when all your children are boys or girls. Clothes get handed down. Toys get handed down or played with simultaneously. I can only imagine that when each of my boys hits different life stages, there will be similarities that I know to expect. I’m not saying all boys or all girls are homogeneous, just that overall, they are pretty similar.

It also helps to have mama friends who have all boys or all girls that are older than yours! I have two sets of those friends which has ensured that I rarely buy clothes. Until one went and had a newborn (also a boy). Darn her.

So, mamas-to-be, time that conception, eat the right foods, use the right position. Because having kids of all the same sex is obviously easier and preferable.

Melissa and Doug

Have Children All in the Same Season

By having all your children in the same season, I don’t mean having them all one fall or in the same season of your life (which actually is a good idea). I mean, pick your favorite season, and time your babies’ deliveries for that season. It’s super easy to do because getting pregnant exactly when you want to is simple!

This ensures that your hand-me-downs are also all in the same season. The last thing you want is to have a newborn in summer with all winter clothes for him or her! Then all your hand-me-downs are pretty much useless and all that money you saved having babies of the same sex goes down the toilet.

3 things you must do when trying to conceive: making life easier with a little planning

If You Insist on Having Children of Different Sex Have an Odd Number

You must have only three kids if you insist on having kids of different sexes. The middle one should be a different sex than the other two. This ensures that each kid has something special about them-oldest, youngest, and only girl or whatever. It will make life easier, trust me. (You shouldn’t trust me. I only have boys).

I’ll warn you though. Having children of different sexes is inherently more expensive because of multiple wardrobes and toy collections.

There you have it. Three super simple things to plan for when trying to conceive-because trying to conceive is the easiest, most stress-free time of life anyway. Why not throw in some extra things to worry about?

3 things you must do when trying to conceive: making life easier with a little planning

Author: jen.mearns