Friday Roundup 2/16/2018

First and foremost, I want to pray for the victims of the Parkland, FL school shooting and their family, friends and community. I pray that the violence in schools ends and the next generation of students can attend public schools safely, without the threat of gun violence.

The 2018 Winter Olympics in Peyong Chang is continuing this week. The U.S currently has eight medals with five golds from Mikaela Shiffrin, Shaun White, Redmon Gerard, Chloe Kim, and Jamie Anderson. Norway and Germany are leading in medal counts with 18 and 15 respectively.
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In entertainment news that someone might care about Jennifer Aniston and Justin Theroux broke up last year and just got around to telling people during a week where there was sure to be plenty of headline news within which to bury it. Aniston, who used to be my favorite actress, is rapidly becoming someone who is dropping off my radar completely. I remained on the Aniston-Wagon for a long time out of loyalty and my undying love of Friends, but alas-not so much anymore.
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Our House:
Jack is starting to play with toys, Teddy continues to love school, and Oliver has thrown some epic tantrums. Ed works hard all week, as always and I cleaned off my desk so I can actually use it. This may not seem very noteworthy, but those who have seen the desk previously would be impressed!

Author: The Undomestic Goddess