And Babies Make…Seven?!

Well, it’s been three months into this whole life as a family of seven, and I thought I would write about it and catch up a little. Many of you follow on Facebook, so you’ll know some of this, but here goes anyway.

Finding out we were having twins was insane. I was prepared for four kids but we only had nine months to come to terms with the idea that we’d be adding two babies to our family. At the same freaking time! My pregnancy wasn’t easy as I was hospitalized twice due to stomach bugs and ketoacidosis. My doctor made the decision to take the babies at 34 weeks and 3 days gestation for their own and my safety. I was 100% ok with that decision. I was over it. Totally!

The babies were over six pounds each and required three weeks in the NICU, which was great as the doctors said to be prepared to stay until their due date. That was almost devastating because that would’ve been a large chunk of my maternity leave. I was able to spend just over two months with them at home before returning to work!

The first three months have been a blur. We figured out pretty quickly that it didn’t work for us both to be up all night feeding them. We scheduled it so that I fed them both around midnight and Ed took the 3am feeding and usually we were both up to feed at 6am–though Ed has been nice and letting me sleep a little extra in the morning.

Lately, they have dropped the 3am feeding which is wonderful. The past several nights in a row they’ve slept from 9pm or 10pm to 6am or 7am. It’s awesome!

I can’t remember which one is which.

The big boys are adjusting to life with babies. Oliver loved them from the start–we actually have to make sure he’s not picking them up all the time. Jack was pretty enthralled by them, but didn’t like their eyes or feet when they first came home. We won’t talk about the diaper covered area–let’s just say Jack thinks the idea of circumcision is barbaric. I don’t know why their eyes and feet freaked him out. He’s odd. Teddy is coming around. He thinks they’re kind of funny sometimes!

Now that they are sleeping longer and eating more, life might start to settle down. Though work starts next week and school ends next week and… well maybe not.


Author: jen.mearns