Preparing for Two Under Two: 4 Must Have Items to Make Life Easier

Are you expecting a new baby, arriving before your first is even two, making them two under two? I’ve been there. My oldest two boys are 13.5 months apart. It was some kind of something having a newborn and new walker.

First of all, you CAN handle it! It’s tough sometimes but totally doable. It’s worth it when you see them playing together later. Plus, sometimes they can wear the same size now so, bonus!

I’ve put together a list of things that you MUST have when dealing with two under two, to make life easier.

MUST HAVE items for two under two
Are you preparing for two under two? Here are some MUST HAVE items for two under two.

Baby Carrier

With number one, I got an Ergobaby 360 All Carry Positions  baby carrier. I didn’t use it as much as I thought I would for him because he was my only baby. When Oliver was born, however, I used it way more! With a toddler, you have to have your arms free for grabbing and chasing and keeping him from certain death about 99 times a day. You can’t do that if your arms are full of baby!

It’s a little pricey but I think it’s worth it. The wide waist strap distributes the baby’s weight evenly and helps support your back at the same time which, if your baby is a newborn weighing 8 pounds doesn’t seem like much, but this thing holds up to 33 pounds. That is a lot of weight on your back and shoulders-luckily, the shoulder straps are extra-padded for comfort!

I’ve tried other carriers including the Boba Wrap which, while less pricey at $39.95, I feel is best suited for brand newborns. It keeps the baby snuggly but as he gets bigger, it gets harder to use, in my opinion.

A baby carrier is most-definitely a must have for two under two!

Double Stroller

When it comes to going out in public, a double stroller is a necessity! It keeps small people contained and unable to wreak havoc in a store or doctor’s office. Look for one that your infant seat will clip onto like this one:

Of course, now that I have three under four, I invested in this Joovy monstrosity with the turning radius of a barge. It’s great, though, for keeping two babies confined with a stand or sit bench in the back for the lazy one who doesn’t want to walk.

Double stroller? A definite must have for two under two!


If you’re like me and don’t want to let your 14-month-old out of his crib, you’ll need another crib for baby two. You don’t want that 14-month-old to have freedom if you can at all help it! There are many different styles to choose from.  Below are some options for cribs:

Pack N’ Play

Of course, if you don’t want to shell out for a new crib, you can always use the Pack N’ Play for the baby’s bed. Even if you do get a crib, a Pack N’ Play is a must for two under two! When you can’t put your newborn on the floor for tummy time because you don’t want your toddler to hurt him accidentally, put him in the Pack N’ Play. Many options come with a bassinet insert for ease of use with a newborn and even a diaper changing section!

There you have it-the four must have items for preparing for two under two. There are plenty more items that you must have for a newborn but you probably have that  stuff left over from your first. The above items are, in my opinion, nonnegotiable for living safely with two under two!


Author: jen.mearns